Close All Windows - The Easy Way

Close All Windows - The Easy Way

This little tool lets you to close all running applications with just one click. It doesn’t use system resources because it only flashes a ‘close’ signal to all open windows on the desktop and then ceases. Just create a shortcut to the tool in the Start Menu, Quick Launch, Windows 7 Taskbar or elsewhere.

Close All - Windows XP

Close All on Windows XP Quick Launch

Advanced Options

If you want to prevent certain applications from being to be closed by Close All, you can add a simple exclusion list to the CloseAll.exe command line.

  1. Right-click the shortcut and choose Properties from the context menu:
  2. Close All - Shortcut Properties
  3. Go to the Shortcut tab, Target and add -x="app-to-exclude.exe":
  4. Close All Windows - Exclusion List

You can separate multiple values with “|” (pipe), example:


Click OK to save the shortcut properties. Remember, you'd better test it before using it!

If you are looking for the way to close all open windows using a keyboard shortcut, check out WindowSpace - Ctrl+Win+Alt+F4, by default.